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Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 11:02:37 +0530
From: Sayantan Datta <>
Subject: Re: Selecting a GPU appropriate for the job

Hi Stephen,

On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 2:52 AM, Stephen John Smoogen <>wrote:

> This weekend when I was going over my GPU hardware, it was pointed out
> to me that my ATI 6850 card was slow for sha512crypt.. which is bad as
> that is what my work is testing against. So what cards would be best
> to work against SHA512crypt. By extension, what GPU cards are best
> against what? From this list, I will compile a list to put on the wiki
> to help others.

For sha512crypt Nvidia GPUs are better. However this is probably the only


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