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Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2008 23:42:14 +0400
From: Solar Designer <>
Subject: wiki updates (was: wiki page on parallelization)

On Mon, Jul 07, 2008 at 12:46:51PM -0600, RB wrote:
> Indeed, and I hope to finish out the "Extended efforts" section this
> week, hopefully with a bit more clarity.


> Would you mind considering
> adding a DocuWiki plugin like 'comment' that would allow for adding a
> TODO list in the source without cluttering the displayed page?

(GalaxyMaster), our wiki guru, is the one to comment on this.  He's not
on this list right now, but I'll ask him to comment nevertheless.

> Also, on the --external:Parallel section, I was curious about your
> change to the non-even split; ...

You must be misreading the page.

BTW, another recently updated page is the one with benchmarks:

I've included some benchmarks for recent development versions
(post-1.7.2), which add x86-64 support under Mac OS X and Solaris,
as well as computation of two Blowfish-based (bcrypt) hashes in
parallel on non-register-starved architectures (so x86-64 builds are now
a lot faster for this hash type as well).

Everyone is welcome to add their benchmark results to the table.  Please
make sure to run the benchmarks on an otherwise idle system (the real
vs. virtual time results should almost match, so it should not matter
which of these two you pick).



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