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Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2008 12:46:51 -0600
From: RB <>
Subject: Re: wiki page on parallelization

> It's fine for wiki pages to be "a bit raw".  Everyone understands that
>  wiki content is always "under construction".

Many thanks for the fixes; I'd blame the spelling issues on late-night
typing, but some of those were too horrific to do much more than fall
on a sword for.  Figuratively, of course. :\

> Well, I noticed that you've since updated the page to include "simple
>  approaches" as well (those where one splits the workload explicitly),
>  and I've just corrected a few errors/misunderstandings I spotted.

Indeed, and I hope to finish out the "Extended efforts" section this
week, hopefully with a bit more clarity.  Would you mind considering
adding a DocuWiki plugin like 'comment' that would allow for adding a
TODO list in the source without cluttering the displayed page?

Also, on the --external:Parallel section, I was curious about your
change to the non-even split; if each instance takes every Nth
candidate as the code seems to indicate, how is that uneven?
Obviously the point of termination will cause some candidates not to
be tried, but would you mind clarifying?

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