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Message-ID: <20230420212600.v56eE%steffen@sdaoden.eu> Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2023 23:26:00 +0200 From: Steffen Nurpmeso <steffen@...oden.eu> To: oss-security@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: Perl's HTTP::Tiny has insecure TLS cert default, affecting CPAN.pm and other modules Jeffrey Walton wrote in <CAH8yC8nYOGAsnPkm+f3-b7r4PvZ=QxeKT9DXK=MoFVoFDGav9w@...l.gmail.com>: |On Thu, Apr 20, 2023 at 9:05 AM Steffen Nurpmeso <steffen@...oden.eu> \ |wrote: |> Hanno Böck wrote in |> <20230420073459.003a5be2.hanno@...eck.de>: |>|On Wed, 19 Apr 2023 23:53:40 +0200 |>|Steffen Nurpmeso <steffen@...oden.eu> wrote: |>|> IMO it is no vulnerability at all since it has "always" been _very |>|> clearly_ (even very lengthily) documented in the manual page. |>| |>|A vulnerability does not go away if it's documented, and I find that a |>|rather strange take. |> |> Hm no, i do not, the latter not at all. You can bundle a OpenPGP |> / signify / even OpenSSL signature with something and can get |> secure download even over non-encrypted channels. Even DNSSEC was |> over unencrypted channels for twenty years, and still mostly is, ... |According to the HTTP::Tiny docs: | | Server identity verification is controversial and potentially tricky | because it depends on a (usually paid) third-party Certificate | Authority (CA) trust model to validate a certificate as legitimate. | This discriminates against servers with self-signed certificates or | certificates signed by free, community-driven CA's such as CAcert.org. | |I think some of the premises no longer hold. What i thought over twenty years ago. All DNS zones should provide the TLS keys to be used to communicate securely with them. So you have a chain of trust that can be followed top down, and everone owning a domain could provide its own keys. Only one crypto machinery for it all. And IANA should spread the root servers a bit more, i miss lights on North Korea, Kuba, Russia, China. |The threat models I have seen depend upon authentic comms. You have to |know which server you are talking to to ensure confidentiality and |authenticity. There's nothing controversial about them. You usually ask via DNS to get name -> address mapping. Then you connect to the address. |There's also the pervasive spying the world has evidence of since |leaks like Snowden. We know folks are being spied upon by the Polemically i would ask you why you need leaks for this. More funeral dry than polemically. I am happy that the German police finally got their digital radio, everybody was joking for more than a decade that the criminals have much better equipment. But you know, i find this sympathic. They still are policemen. |government, and we know people can be tortured or die from it if they |live under a despot regime. There's nothing controversial about using Sorry not with me on the list. Hundreds of millions of people will loose their home because of climate change, today they suffer because of plundering of the rich nations (G7 i think they are called), all over the planet. Thirty years ago the US controlled banana production saw the most terrible chemicals and wage slavery, we see children dismantle poisonous electronic parts, and your battery car caused massive environmental damage. No one can describe the illnesses and pain caused by G7, so let us entitle a despot regime. (And not talking about prison and camp conditions in USA. At all.) |HTTPS to help achieve confidentiality. Hallelujah! |I don't think HTTPS discriminates against servers with self-signed |certificates. A user is free to limit trust to a single, self-signed |certificate. The docs show the user how to do it. That seems very, very complicated for non-nerds. I fail to see user-enabled documentation for how to achieve this, but i am only using command line / console programs, it can be the desktop environments make this easy. Firefox (the Google money takers) puts this into the "unsecure don't don't twilight", and that over, and over, and over again. It could, for example, give you options, once, always, ask again, ask again more easily, do not ask again until YYYY-MM-DD (maybe taking into account the certificate expiration). What.Do.I.Know. |I don't think HTTPS discriminates against free, community-driven CA's. |Let's Encrypt is quite popular and still free. Luckily CACert.org is still alive. I thankfully can use it to gain a S/MIME certificate. Mind you, the IETF has created the conditions to get something LetsEncrypt-alike for S/MIME, i was not optimistic it comes for real. |A more interesting question (to me) is, how does HTTP::Tiny |differentiate between comms that need server authentication (like |fetching a web page) versus those that don't (like a download with a |GPG signature). The answer is likely, HTTP::Tiny cannot. |SinceHTTP::Tiny cannot determine when the user needs HTTPS (or not), |it should default to HTTPS. It simply creates a connection to the HTTP(S) URL it is given it, no? The rest depends upon the programmer using HTTP::Tiny. The connection surely is securely encrypted. |In general, nowadays, I think the person who is maintaining HTTP::Tiny |is plunging on the wrong sword. There are better battles to fight |nowadays. Yes. Push forward per-domain keys into DNS, maybe. Cut'em out, Ride 'em in. Rawhide! |(Sorry to wander off-topic). Yes, i became beasty, being off-topic is my attitude. --steffen | |Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear, |der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one |einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off |(By Robert Gernhardt)
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