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Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2024 21:18:26 +0000 (UTC)
From: Thorsten Glaser <>
Subject: Re: Bug#1068350: musl: miscompiles (runtime problems) on riscv64 and s390x with static-pie → seems to be a toolchain bug after all, it does too hit glibc

Dixi quod…

>Hmm, actually… I could… test whether that one fixes static-pie
>on zelenka. Or at least the same approach. I’ll get back with
>report from that.

Having looked at the spec file, the only extra things the stock
specs do that the overriding specs don’t is:

[…] %{!static|static-pie:--eh-frame-hdr} […] %{static-pie:-static -pie --no-dynamic-linker -z text} […]

instead of:

[…] %{static-pie:-static -pie --no-dynamic-linker} […]

The -Wl,-z,text makes TEXTRELs an error. Granted.
The -Wl,--eh-frame-hdr is added for anything that’s not a normal
static executable, however adding that to a musl build doesn’t
fix the problem either.

A bit of gdb-ing shows the problem, though: the source code has…

#define Ttypeset "typeset"
#define Tdr "-r"
//… (a variant of this is used for string sharing on ancient Unix)

static const char *initcoms[] = {
	Ttypeset, Tdr, initvsn, NULL,
	Ttypeset, Tdx, "HOME", TPATH, TSHELL, NULL,

It then iterates over these commands with:

for (wp = initcoms; *wp != NULL; wp++) {
	while (*wp != NULL)

This is where the extra output happens:

(gdb) print initcoms
$3 = {0x3fff7fc14a4 "typeset", 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x3fff7fc14a4 "typeset", 0x0, 0x3fff7fc0478 "HOME", 

Notice the nullptrs there where string pointers are expected.
It shows the same output when just loading the executable, i.e. this
isn’t a runtime issue.

Linking the exact same .o files with the exact same command minus
-static-pie gives:

(gdb) print initcoms
$1 = {0x103cb34 "typeset", 0x103e368 <u_ops+128> "-r", 
  0x103e73c <initvsn> "KSH_VERSION=@(#)MIRBSD KSH R59 2024/02/01 +Debian", 0x0, 0x103cb34 "typeset", 

But this does seem to be a toolchain bug: adding -static-pie to the
glibc dynamic-pie link command and…

(gdb) print initcoms
$1 = {0xda494 "typeset", 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xda494 "typeset", 0x0, 0xd942c "HOME", 0xda7d8 "PATH",

Now I (or someone) is going to have to reduce that to a testcase, so
we can detect static-pie viability before it’s committed to being used…

Solange man keine schmutzigen Tricks macht, und ich meine *wirklich*
schmutzige Tricks, wie bei einer doppelt verketteten Liste beide
Pointer XORen und in nur einem Word speichern, funktioniert Boehm ganz
hervorragend.		-- Andreas Bogk über boehm-gc in d.a.s.r

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