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Message-ID: <Pine.BSM.4.64L.2404042102310.18654@herc.mirbsd.org> Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2024 21:18:26 +0000 (UTC) From: Thorsten Glaser <tg@...bsd.de> To: musl@...ts.openwall.com cc: 1068350@...s.debian.org, debian-glibc@...ts.debian.org, doko@...ian.org Subject: Re: Bug#1068350: musl: miscompiles (runtime problems) on riscv64 and s390x with static-pie → seems to be a toolchain bug after all, it does too hit glibc Dixi quod… >Hmm, actually… I could… test whether that one fixes static-pie >on zelenka. Or at least the same approach. I’ll get back with >report from that. Having looked at the spec file, the only extra things the stock specs do that the overriding specs don’t is: *link: […] %{!static|static-pie:--eh-frame-hdr} […] %{static-pie:-static -pie --no-dynamic-linker -z text} […] instead of: […] %{static-pie:-static -pie --no-dynamic-linker} […] The -Wl,-z,text makes TEXTRELs an error. Granted. The -Wl,--eh-frame-hdr is added for anything that’s not a normal static executable, however adding that to a musl build doesn’t fix the problem either. A bit of gdb-ing shows the problem, though: the source code has… #define Ttypeset "typeset" #define Tdr "-r" //… (a variant of this is used for string sharing on ancient Unix) static const char *initcoms[] = { Ttypeset, Tdr, initvsn, NULL, Ttypeset, Tdx, "HOME", TPATH, TSHELL, NULL, […] }; It then iterates over these commands with: for (wp = initcoms; *wp != NULL; wp++) { c_builtin(wp); while (*wp != NULL) wp++; } This is where the extra output happens: (gdb) print initcoms $3 = {0x3fff7fc14a4 "typeset", 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x3fff7fc14a4 "typeset", 0x0, 0x3fff7fc0478 "HOME", […] Notice the nullptrs there where string pointers are expected. It shows the same output when just loading the executable, i.e. this isn’t a runtime issue. Linking the exact same .o files with the exact same command minus -static-pie gives: (gdb) print initcoms $1 = {0x103cb34 "typeset", 0x103e368 <u_ops+128> "-r", 0x103e73c <initvsn> "KSH_VERSION=@(#)MIRBSD KSH R59 2024/02/01 +Debian", 0x0, 0x103cb34 "typeset", But this does seem to be a toolchain bug: adding -static-pie to the glibc dynamic-pie link command and… (gdb) print initcoms $1 = {0xda494 "typeset", 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xda494 "typeset", 0x0, 0xd942c "HOME", 0xda7d8 "PATH", Now I (or someone) is going to have to reduce that to a testcase, so we can detect static-pie viability before it’s committed to being used… bye, //mirabilos -- Solange man keine schmutzigen Tricks macht, und ich meine *wirklich* schmutzige Tricks, wie bei einer doppelt verketteten Liste beide Pointer XORen und in nur einem Word speichern, funktioniert Boehm ganz hervorragend. -- Andreas Bogk über boehm-gc in d.a.s.r
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