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Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2016 21:01:21 +0200
From: Sebastian Gottschall <>
Subject: Re: recvmsg/sendmsg broken on mips64

Am 11.04.2016 um 20:32 schrieb Rich Felker:
> On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 08:35:00AM +0200, Sebastian Gottschall wrote:
>>>>> BTW do you have gdb and strace available?
>>>> not on the system itself. i'm not sure if strace works on mips64.
>>>> never tried it.
>>>> but you're free to copy any binary to the /tmp dir. it has 2 gb ram.
>>>> so enough space for static binaries if you want to play with.
>>>> i will send you the ssh data in a private email
>>> I haven't been able to reproduce the error on your system. I've tried
>>> building my own static-linked version of the "ip" utility with a
>>> mips64-linux-musl softfloat compiler, and uploading my and
>>> using it to run both your version of ip and a dynamic-linked one I
>>> just built. They all work fine for adding/removing a address
>>> to the "lo" interface.
>> i can install a broken musl libc again if that helps. (its plain
>> openwrt toolchain result)
> Yes, that would be helpful, but would it make it impossible for you to
> get the network up in order for me to login? If so perhaps you could
> put the broken stuff in a chroot I could run it from.
i do not use ip for configuring. ifconfig works :-)
> Rich

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