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Message-id: <fc0edcd9b576.54fb72dc@langara.bc.ca> Date: Sat, 07 Mar 2015 21:51:24 +0000 (GMT) From: Steven Stewart-Gallus <sstewartgallus00@...angara.bc.ca> To: musl@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Does Musl offer a thread-safe and non-dynamically allocating version of strsignal? Hello, I am currently using Musl Libc to test the portability of some of my code and while porting my code over I found a small deficiency. This annoyance is not a big deal as I am not currently using Musl in production but I thought I should let you know anyways so that Musl can be improved and that other people might benefit. Currently with GLibc I use the deprecated sys_siglist static array of string names for signals to get the names of signals (this might actually be the signal that a process I am monitoring receives and not just the kind the current process's libc knows about) in a thread safe way without the complications of dynamic memory allocation. Obviously, I could just use the strsignal function but I do not know if strsignal is thread safe or dynamically allocates memory. Does Musl offer a thread-safe and non-dynamically allocating version of strsignal? Thank you, Steven Stewart-Gallus
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