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Message-ID: <1374062978.20259.243.camel@eris.loria.fr>
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 14:09:38 +0200
From: Jens Gustedt <jens.gustedt@...ia.fr>
To: musl@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Re: time code progress
Am Mittwoch, den 17.07.2013, 13:39 +0200 schrieb Szabolcs Nagy:
> (i think it did not like the syscall arg counting in case of 0 args in
> #define __SYSCALL_NARGS_X(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,n,...) n
> #define __SYSCALL_NARGS(...) __SYSCALL_NARGS_X(__VA_ARGS__,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0)
> )
yes, this is in fact not suitable to test for 0 args. For the
preprocessor 0 args basically doesn't exist, there is always one
argument, but which is empty.
If this is really needed, I could contribute a cooked down version
from P99 of an NARGS macro that could deal with such a case. Please
let me know.
:: INRIA Nancy Grand Est :: http://www.loria.fr/~gustedt/ ::
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