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Message-Id: <1372961632.6645.5@driftwood>
Date: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 13:13:52 -0500
From: Rob Landley <>
Subject: Re: Proposed roadmap to 1.0

On 06/30/2013 02:21:25 AM, Justin Cormack wrote:
> MIPS64 would be nice as the Chinese are making them (Loongson) for  
> general
> use.

My mips64 target in aboriginal doesn't work, and hasn't worked for a  
longish time. Going back and running the old images doesn't work  
either, so I think qemu changed out from under me and I didn't notice.  
(Sparc did the same thing but I managed to -cpu "stop that" workaround  
for that.)

Do you know where I can get a mips64 test environment? (Debian iso or  
something that boots under qemu?)


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