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Message-Id: <1372961106.6645.3@driftwood>
Date: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 13:05:06 -0500
From: Rob Landley <>
Subject: Re: Request for volunteers

On 06/30/2013 12:52:02 AM, Rich Felker wrote:
> Hi all,
> With us nearing musl 1.0, there are a lot of things I could use some
> help with. Here are a few specific tasks/roles I'm looking for:
> 1. Put together a list of relevant conferences one or more of us could
>    attend in the next 4-6 months. I'm in the US and travelling outside
>    the country would probably be prohibitive unless we also find
>    funding, but anything in the US is pretty easy for me to get to,
>    and other people involved in the project could perhaps attend
>    other conferences outside the US.

CELF turned into the "Linux Foundation Embedded Linux Conference" and  
they squished it together with some Android thing. I've never been to  
the Plumber's conference half my twitter list seems to go.

Ohio LinuxFest's call for papers is open until Monday:


Received: by with HTTP; Thu, 27 Jun 2013 07:03:14 -0700  
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 10:03:14 -0400
Subject: Oho LinuxFest Call for Talks closing soon
From: Kevin O'Brien <>

Hello, we are asking for a little help from you in getting the word out
that the Ohio LinuxFest Call for Talks will be closing 7/8/13. Obviously
the more proposals we get the better the program we can put together,  
so we
are asking if you could help us out by posting something to your  
on places like Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, and (or  
other social media you like). The page with the submission is

Thanks for any help you can give us.

Kevin O'Brien
Publicity Director, Ohio LinuxFest

> 5. Rigorous testing. My ideal vision of this role is having somebody
>    who takes a look at each bug fix committed and writes test cases
>    for the bug and extrapolates tests for possible related bugs that
>    haven't yet been found. And who reads the glibc bug tracker so we
>    can take advantage of their bug reports too.

Is the Linux Test Project relevant?


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