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Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 00:09:22 +0200
From: Szabolcs Nagy <>
Subject: Re: TLS (thread-local storage) support

* boris brezillon <> [2012-10-16 23:47:52 +0200]:
> > There's at least one thing (maybe more) missing for go support with
> > musl : gcc 'split-stack' support (see and
> >
> >

why does go need support from libc?

it has its own runtime and libraries on raw syscalls

> 4) Compile musl with '-fsplit-stack' and add no_split_stack attribute
> to appropriate functions (at least all functions called before
> pthread_self_init because %gs or %fs register is unusable before this
> call).

what does a no_split_stack function do when it runs out of stack?

most functions in musl may be run before pthread_self_init
(it runs on demand when a pthread function is used)

what's the use of split stack if some functions may not work with it?

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