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Message-ID: <CAN+XpFTbqMXiX=dYpK_ExvctkaJjZL9q=n06goujPht35Bieqg@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2018 09:09:45 -0700
From: Mark Brand <markbrand@...gle.com>
To: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@...aro.org>
Cc: Catalin Marinas <catalin.marinas@....com>, Christoffer Dall <christoffer.dall@....com>,
Julien Thierry <julien.thierry@....com>, Kees Cook <keescook@...omium.org>,
Kernel Hardening <kernel-hardening@...ts.openwall.com>,
Laura Abbott <labbott@...oraproject.org>, Mark Rutland <mark.rutland@....com>,
Robin Murphy <robin.murphy@....com>, Will Deacon <will.deacon@....com>,
linux-arm-kernel <linux-arm-kernel@...ts.infradead.org>
Subject: Re: [RFC/PoC PATCH 0/3] arm64: basic ROP mitigation
On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 2:22 AM Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@...aro.org> wrote:
> On 7 August 2018 at 05:05, Mark Brand <markbrand@...gle.com> wrote:
> > I think the phrasing of "limit kernel attack surface against ROP attacks" is
> > confusing and misleading. ROP does not describe a class of bugs,
> > vulnerabilities or attacks against the kernel - it's just one of many
> > code-reuse techniques that can be used by an attacker while exploiting a
> > vulnerability. But that's kind of off-topic!
> >
> > I think what this thread is talking about is implementing extremely
> > coarse-grained reverse-edge control-flow-integrity, in that a return can
> > only return to the address following a legitimate call, but it can return to
> > any of those.
> >
> Indeed. Apologies for not mastering the lingo, but it is indeed about
> no longer being able to subvert function returns into jumping to
> arbitrary places in the code.
> > I suspect there's not much benefit to this, since (as far as I can see) the
> > assumption is that an attacker has the means to direct flow of execution as
> > far as taking complete control of the (el1) stack before executing any ROP
> > payload.
> >
> > At that point, I think it's highly unlikely an attacker needs to chain
> > gadgets through return instructions at all - I suspect there are a few
> > places in the kernel where it is necessary to load the entire register
> > context from a register that is not the stack pointer, and it would likely
> > not be more than a minor inconvenience to an attacker to use these (and
> > chaining through branch register) instructions instead of chaining through
> > return instructions.
> >
> > I'd have to take a closer look at an arm64 kernel image to be sure though -
> > I'll do that when I get a chance and update...
> >
> Thanks. Reloading all registers from an arbitrary offset register
> should occur rarely, no? Could we work around that?
I forgot about the gmail-html-by-default... Hopefully everyone else
can read the quotes though :-/.
I took a look and have put together an example rop chain that doesn't
use any return instructions that you could instrument, that will call
an arbitrary kernel function with controlled parameters (at least x0 -
x4, would have to probably mess with some alignment and add a
repetition of the last gadget to get all register control. It assumes
that the attacker has control over the memory pointed to by x0 at the
point where they get control of pc, and that they know where that
memory is located (but it would also work if they just controlled the
memory pointed to by x0, and had another chunk of kernel memory they
control at a known address. Seems like a pretty reasonable starting
assumption, and I'm sure anyone with a little motivation could produce
similar chains for other starting conditions, this just seemed the
"most likely" reasonable conditions to me.
There are two basic principles used here -
(1) chaining through the mempool_free function, I found this really
quickly when searching for useful gadgets based off x0
void mempool_free(void *element, mempool_t *pool)
unsigned long flags;
if (unlikely(element == NULL))
/* snip */
/* snip */
if (unlikely(pool->curr_nr < pool->min_nr)) {
spin_lock_irqsave(&pool->lock, flags);
if (likely(pool->curr_nr < pool->min_nr)) {
add_element(pool, element);
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pool->lock, flags);
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pool->lock, flags);
pool->free(element, pool->pool_data);
Since the callsites for this function usually load the arguments
through some registers, and the function to call gets pulled out of
one of those arguments, it's easy to get a couple of registers loaded
here and then the chain continue.
(2) loading complete register state using kernel_exit macro.
Since the kernel_exit macro actually loads spsr_el1 and elr_el1 from
registers, I think that you can let the eret return to anywhere in el1
without dropping to el0, since the same handler is used for "exiting
the kernel" when a hardware interrupt interrupts the kernel itself. I
didn't fill out the necessary register values in the chain below,
since I don't anyway have a device around to test this on right now.
I'm not sure that you could really robustly protect this eret; I
suppose that you could try and somehow validate the saved register
state, but given that it would be happening on every exception return,
I suspect it would be expensive.
0:dispatch_io + yy (mempool_free gadget, appears in plenty of other places.)
ffffff8008a340d4 084c41a9 ldp x8, x19, [x0, #0x10]
ffffff8008a340d8 190040f9 ldr x25, [x0]
ffffff8008a340dc 1a1040f9 ldr x26, [x0, #0x20]
ffffff8008a340e0 010140f9 ldr x1, [x8]
ffffff8008a340e4 ed80dd97 bl mempool_free
ffffff8008194498 f44fbea9 stp x20, x19, [sp, #-0x20
{__saved_x20} {__saved_x19}]!
ffffff800819449c fd7b01a9 stp x29, x30, [sp, #0x10
{__saved_x29} {__saved_x30}]
ffffff80081944a0 fd430091 add x29, sp, #0x10 {__saved_x29}
ffffff80081944a4 f30301aa mov x19, x1
ffffff80081944a8 f40300aa mov x20, x0
ffffff80081944ac 340100b4 cbz x20, 0xffffff80081944d0
ffffff80081944b0 bf3903d5 dmb ishld
ffffff80081944b4 68a64029 ldp w8, w9, [x19, #0x4]
ffffff80081944b8 3f01086b cmp w9, w8
ffffff80081944bc 0b010054 b.lt 0xffffff80081944dc
ffffff80081944c0 681640f9 ldr x8, [x19, #0x28]
ffffff80081944c4 610e40f9 ldr x1, [x19, #0x18]
ffffff80081944c8 e00314aa mov x0, x20
ffffff80081944cc 00013fd6 blr x8
ffffff80081944d0 fd7b41a9 ldp x29, x30, [sp, #0x10
{__saved_x29} {__saved_x30}]
ffffff80081944d4 f44fc2a8 ldp x20, x19, [sp {__saved_x20}
{__saved_x19}], #0x20
ffffff80081944d8 c0035fd6 ret
ffffff8008a340e8 e00319aa mov x0, x25
ffffff8008a340ec e1031aaa mov x1, x26
ffffff8008a340f0 60023fd6 blr x19
1:el1_irq + xx - (x1, x26) -> sp control
ffffff800808314c 5f030091 mov sp, x26
ffffff8008083150 fd4fbfa9 stp x29, x19, [sp, #-0x10]! {__saved_x0}
ffffff8008083154 fd030091 mov x29, sp
ffffff8008083158 20003fd6 blr x1
2:ipc_log_extract + xx (sp, x19) -> survival
ffffff800817c35c e0c30091 add x0, sp, #0x30 {var_170}
ffffff800817c360 e1430091 add x1, sp, #0x10 {var_190}
ffffff800817c364 60023fd6 blr x19
3:dispatch_io + xx (mempool_free gadget, appears in plenty of other places.)
ffffff8008a342cc 084c41a9 ldp x8, x19, [x0, #0x10]
ffffff8008a342d0 140040f9 ldr x20, [x0]
ffffff8008a342d4 151040f9 ldr x21, [x0, #0x20]
ffffff8008a342d8 010140f9 ldr x1, [x8]
ffffff8008a342dc 6f80dd97 bl mempool_free
ffffff8008194498 f44fbea9 stp x20, x19, [sp, #-0x20
{__saved_x20} {__saved_x19}]!
ffffff800819449c fd7b01a9 stp x29, x30, [sp, #0x10
{__saved_x29} {__saved_x30}]
ffffff80081944a0 fd430091 add x29, sp, #0x10 {__saved_x29}
ffffff80081944a4 f30301aa mov x19, x1
ffffff80081944a8 f40300aa mov x20, x0
ffffff80081944ac 340100b4 cbz x20, 0xffffff80081944d0
ffffff80081944b0 bf3903d5 dmb ishld
ffffff80081944b4 68a64029 ldp w8, w9, [x19, #0x4]
ffffff80081944b8 3f01086b cmp w9, w8
ffffff80081944bc 0b010054 b.lt 0xffffff80081944dc
ffffff80081944c0 681640f9 ldr x8, [x19, #0x28]
ffffff80081944c4 610e40f9 ldr x1, [x19, #0x18]
ffffff80081944c8 e00314aa mov x0, x20
ffffff80081944cc 00013fd6 blr x8
ffffff80081944d0 fd7b41a9 ldp x29, x30, [sp, #0x10
{__saved_x29} {__saved_x30}]
ffffff80081944d4 f44fc2a8 ldp x20, x19, [sp {__saved_x20}
{__saved_x19}], #0x20
ffffff80081944d8 c0035fd6 ret
ffffff8008a342e0 e00314aa mov x0, x20
ffffff8008a342e4 e10315aa mov x1, x21
ffffff8008a342e8 60023fd6 blr x19
4:bus_sort_breadthfirst + xx - (x26)
ffffff8008683cc8 561740f9 ldr x22, [x26, #0x28]
ffffff8008683ccc e00315aa mov x0, x21
ffffff8008683cd0 e10316aa mov x1, x22
ffffff8008683cd4 80023fd6 blr x20
5:kernel_exit (macro) - (x21, x22, sp) -> full register control & pc control
ffffff8008082f64 354018d5 msr elr_el1, x21
ffffff8008082f68 164018d5 msr spsr_el1, x22
ffffff8008082f6c e00740a9 ldp x0, x1, [sp {var_130} {var_128}]
ffffff8008082f70 e20f41a9 ldp x2, x3, [sp, #0x10 {var_120} {var_118}]
ffffff8008082f74 e41742a9 ldp x4, x5, [sp, #0x20 {var_110} {var_108}]
ffffff8008082f78 e61f43a9 ldp x6, x7, [sp, #0x30 {var_100} {var_f8}]
ffffff8008082f7c e82744a9 ldp x8, x9, [sp, #0x40 {var_f0} {var_e8}]
ffffff8008082f80 ea2f45a9 ldp x10, x11, [sp, #0x50 {var_e0} {var_d8}]
ffffff8008082f84 ec3746a9 ldp x12, x13, [sp, #0x60 {var_d0} {var_c8}]
ffffff8008082f88 ee3f47a9 ldp x14, x15, [sp, #0x70 {var_c0} {var_b8}]
ffffff8008082f8c f04748a9 ldp x16, x17, [sp, #0x80 {var_b0} {var_a8}]
ffffff8008082f90 f24f49a9 ldp x18, x19, [sp, #0x90 {var_a0} {var_98}]
ffffff8008082f94 f4574aa9 ldp x20, x21, [sp, #0xa0 {var_90} {var_88}]
ffffff8008082f98 f65f4ba9 ldp x22, x23, [sp, #0xb0 {var_80} {var_78}]
ffffff8008082f9c f8674ca9 ldp x24, x25, [sp, #0xc0 {var_70} {var_68}]
ffffff8008082fa0 fa6f4da9 ldp x26, x27, [sp, #0xd0 {var_60} {var_58}]
ffffff8008082fa4 fc774ea9 ldp x28, x29, [sp, #0xe0 {var_50} {var_48}]
ffffff8008082fa8 fe7b40f9 ldr x30, [sp, #0xf0 {var_40}]
ffffff8008082fac ffc30491 add sp, sp, #0x130
ffffff8008082fb0 e0039fd6 eret
ptr = 0000414100000000 = initial x0
0000: 2525252525252525 ; (0:40d8) x25
0008: 0000414100000030 ; (0:40e0) x1
0010: 0000414100000000 ; (0:40d4) x8
0018: ffffff8008a342cc ; (0:40d4) x19 -> branch target (2:c364)
0020: 0000414100000070 ; (0:40dc) x26 -> sp (1:314c)
0030: 8888888899999999 ; (0:44b4) w8, w9
0048: ffffff800817c35c ; (0:44c4) x1 -> branch target (1:3158)
0058: ffffff800808314c ; (0:44c0) x8 -> branch target (0:44c4)
0060: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; saved x29 <-- sp@(1:3154)
0068: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; saved x19
0070: ; <--
sp@(1:314c), (5:2f64)
0098: 2222222222222222 ; (4:3cc8) x22 -> spsr_el1
00a0: ffffff8008082f64 ; (3:42d0) x20 -> branch target (4:3cd4) <-- x0@(2:c35c)
00a8: 00004141000000d0 ; (3:42d8) x1
00b0: 00004141000000a0 ; (3:42cc) x8
00b8: 1919191919191919 ; (3:42cc) x19
00c0: 2121212121212121 ; (3:42d4) x21 -> elr_el1
00d0: 8888888899999999 ; (3:44b4) w8, w9
00e8: 1111111111111111 ; (3:44c4) x1
00f8: ffffff800808314c ; (3:44c0) x8 -> branch target (3:44c4)
> > On Mon, 6 Aug 2018 at 19:28, Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@...aro.org>
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> On 6 August 2018 at 21:50, Kees Cook <keescook@...omium.org> wrote:
> >> > On Mon, Aug 6, 2018 at 12:35 PM, Ard Biesheuvel
> >> > <ard.biesheuvel@...aro.org> wrote:
> >> >> On 6 August 2018 at 20:49, Kees Cook <keescook@...omium.org> wrote:
> >> >>> On Mon, Aug 6, 2018 at 10:45 AM, Robin Murphy <robin.murphy@....com>
> >> >>> wrote:
> >> >>>> I guess what I'm getting at is that if the protection mechanism is
> >> >>>> "always
> >> >>>> return with SP outside TTBR1", there seems little point in going
> >> >>>> through the
> >> >>>> motions if SP in TTBR0 could still be valid and allow an attack to
> >> >>>> succeed
> >> >>>> anyway; this is basically just me working through a justification for
> >> >>>> saying
> >> >>>> the proposed scheme needs "depends on ARM64_PAN ||
> >> >>>> ARM64_SW_TTBR0_PAN",
> >> >>>> making it that much uglier for v8.0 CPUs...
> >> >>>
> >> >>> I think anyone with v8.0 CPUs interested in this mitigation would also
> >> >>> very much want PAN emulation. If a "depends on" isn't desired, what
> >> >>> about "imply" in the Kconfig?
> >> >>>
> >> >>
> >> >> Yes, but actually, using bit #0 is maybe a better alternative in any
> >> >> case. You can never dereference SP with bit #0 set, regardless of
> >> >> whether the address points to user or kernel space, and my concern
> >> >> about reloading sp from x29 doesn't really make sense, given that x29
> >> >> is always assigned from sp right after pushing x29 and x30 in the
> >> >> function prologue, and sp only gets restored from x29 in the epilogue
> >> >> when there is a stack frame to begin with, in which case we add #1 to
> >> >> sp again before returning from the function.
> >> >
> >> > Fair enough! :)
> >> >
> >> >> The other code gets a lot cleaner as well.
> >> >>
> >> >> So for the return we'll have
> >> >>
> >> >> ldp x29, x30, [sp], #nn
> >> >>>>add sp, sp, #0x1
> >> >> ret
> >> >>
> >> >> and for the function call
> >> >>
> >> >> bl <foo>
> >> >>>>mov x30, sp
> >> >>>>bic sp, x30, #1
> >> >>
> >> >> The restore sequence in entry.s:96 (which has no spare registers) gets
> >> >> much simpler as well:
> >> >>
> >> >> --- a/arch/arm64/kernel/entry.S
> >> >> +++ b/arch/arm64/kernel/entry.S
> >> >> @@ -95,6 +95,15 @@ alternative_else_nop_endif
> >> >> */
> >> >> add sp, sp, x0 // sp' = sp + x0
> >> >> sub x0, sp, x0 // x0' = sp' - x0 = (sp + x0) - x0 = sp
> >> >> +#ifdef CONFIG_ARM64_ROP_SHIELD
> >> >> + tbnz x0, #0, 1f
> >> >> + .subsection 1
> >> >> +1: sub x0, x0, #1
> >> >> + sub sp, sp, #1
> >> >> + b 2f
> >> >> + .previous
> >> >> +2:
> >> >> +#endif
> >> >> tbnz x0, #THREAD_SHIFT, 0f
> >> >> sub x0, sp, x0 // x0'' = sp' - x0' = (sp + x0) - sp =
> >> >> x0
> >> >> sub sp, sp, x0 // sp'' = sp' - x0 = (sp + x0) - x0 =
> >> >> sp
> >> >
> >> > I get slightly concerned about "add" vs "clear bit", but I don't see a
> >> > real way to chain a lot of "add"s to get to avoid the unaligned
> >> > access. Is "or" less efficient than "add"?
> >> >
> >>
> >> Yes. The stack pointer is special on arm64, and can only be used with
> >> a limited set of ALU instructions. So orring #1 would involve 'mov
> >> <reg>, sp ; orr sp, <reg>, #1' like in the 'bic' case above, which
> >> requires a scratch register as well.
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