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Message-ID: <55BB8845.4090303@gmail.com> Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2015 16:37:57 +0200 From: Marek Wrzosek <marek.wrzosek@...il.com> To: john-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: John the ripper with Tesla GPUs on Debian W dniu 31.07.2015 o 14:54, Viktor Gazdag pisze: > Hi Marek > > /usr/local/include/librexgen/version.h says: 1.1.DEV > > The missing file was /usr/local/include/librexgen/c/librexgen.h, but > the c directory doesn't exists. > The file is under /usr/local/include/librexgen/api/c/librexgen.h > > Best regards > woodspeed > I had the same problem when I was trying to build bleeding-jumbo with librexgen from google code (I think). Just go to: https://github.com/teeshop/rexgen and follow the instructions from README.md. They are also in doc/README.librexgen and in doc/INSTALL-UBUNTU, both from recent bleeding-jumbo from github. https://github.com/magnumripper/JohnTheRipper They both are moving objects, but the newest john should work with the last released librexgen. The critical moment is when new version of librexgen is released but patches for john would be written very soon after librexgen's upgrade. Regen mode has great potential but for now... I'm waiting for the release of 1.2.6 version. Good Luck -- Marek Wrzosek marek.wrzosek@...il.com
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