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Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2011 08:11:32 +0200
From: "" <>
Subject: Re: I posted that, but may be missing due contest

On Mon, 8 Aug 2011 07:12:44 +0400, Solar Designer wrote:
> W/A/ -
> This is mostly off-topic for john-users, but since it's already in here,
> I'll reply this one time.
> On Sun, Aug 07, 2011 at 06:58:09PM +0200, wrote:
>> I have downloaded john 1.7.8 5c4 my account at
>>  I would like add digits + symbols (_-+/:, etc???) + letters with accent 
>> (from european countries, such ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??  etc..) and length 
>> (actually 8 with -i mode) =  13 characters.
>>  I know how to do with former version 1.7.8 jumbo 5) but not with the 
>> latest.
>>  Is someone can tell me what change in the params.h ?
>>  #define CHARSET_MIN			' ' <--- to change ?
>> #define CHARSET_MAX			0xFF   <--- to change ?
>> #define CHARSET_LENGTH			15 <--- to change ?
> The defaults in 1.7.8-j5c4 are:
> #define CHARSET_MIN			' '
> #define CHARSET_MAX			0x7E
> #define CHARSET_LENGTH			15
> To allow for accents, you need to change CHARSET_MAX to:
> #define CHARSET_MAX			0xFF
> No other change is needed.  Of course, you'll need to regenerate your
> .chr files after this change.
> For others on john-users: yes, the 64-bit overflow problem in the code
> is avoided in the contest revision of it, so settings such as the above
> work fine.  This will be available as a standard feature a bit later.
>> Mac os X users : About compilation john-1.7.8-j5c4, you have to change 
>> each occurrence of "sse-intrinsics.S" with "sse-intrinsics.o" in the 
>> make file (src/make).
>>  Without these changes compilation will fails.
> This is also contest-specific.  We used a pre-generated assembly file
> for sse-intrinsics.c produced with Intel's compiler in the contest
> edition of JtR.  Thus, we got optimal performance for MD5-based hashes
> on x86-64 (using SSE2) even on systems with gcc and even with older
> versions of gcc.  But it was a hack, indeed.  And as W/A/ reported, the
> pre-generated assembly file did not work with the assembler of Mac OS X.
> I was not surprised.  The contest edition was focused on Linux builds.
> Alexander

 I have tested JTR 1.7.8 j5c4, all works fine. Hashes up to 15 
characters are found (with symbols/letters (lower-upper)/digits/accent).

speed stats (Imac OS X Lion - I7 ): mpirun -np 4
  3: guesses: 1769 time: 0:00:04:44 c/s: 7002G trying: 19ht9i - 19hb?y
  2: guesses: 1813 time: 0:00:04:45 c/s: 6970G trying: R??pym - R??p0?
  1: guesses: 2035 time: 0:00:04:44 c/s: 7089G trying: nuvue/4 - nuvueki
  0: guesses: 1884 time: 0:00:04:44 c/s: 7006G trying: bi2hgy. - bi2hg1$

 I have regenerated a charset :
iMac-de-xxx-xx:run xxxxxx$ ./john -make-charset=alphafr
Loaded 21624 plaintexts
Generating charsets... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 DONE
Generating cracking order... Stable order (95 recalcs)
Successfully written charset file: alphafr (114 characters)

I have inserted in the john.conf :
File = $JOHN/alphafr.chr
MinLen = 0
MaxLen = 15
CharCount = 62

 Is charcount = 62  right or should be 114 ?

 thanks for your support.


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