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Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2010 04:57:19 +0400
From: Solar Designer <>
Subject: Re: john the ripper for Kerberos Ticket

On Tue, Jul 06, 2010 at 10:18:11AM +0800, kristian wrote:
> 3. username : kampret/admin

Thanks for the info.  No known password?

You may get your info loaded by 1.7.6-jumbo-4 if you format the line as


and patch KRB5_fmt.c to specify TGT_SIZE 338.  Then JtR starts
processing this, but without a known password we have no idea whether it
actually does anything reasonable or not (probably not).

I briefly discussed this matter with the original author of the KRB5_*.c
code and he confirmed that the code is unlikely to work for most current
deployments.  Maybe he or someone else will submit a more up to date
implementation.  Meanwhile, this is unlikely to work.


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