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Message-ID: <02cf01cabb21$5dbd4380$1937ca80$@edu> Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 17:32:08 -0500 From: "Matt Weir" <cweir@...edu> To: <john-users@...ts.openwall.com> Subject: RE: Question about Az and the use the commas Here's some quick answers, (a little out of order): >>2) is there a better way to append the number 0 1 2 3 4 ... 9 ? >> - besides [0123456789] You can always specify ranges, such as [0-9]. The only downside is you can't order it via letter frequency analysis then. Aka, if you look at the default JtR Config file, it has rules such as [237954860] I took out the punctuation to make it easier to read, but as you can see it doesn't try it in the normal 0-9 format. Also, the number '1' was used in a much earlier rule by itself. I've found when running longer rules or have a very large dictionary, ordering my rules to take advantage of letter frequency can really speed up my cracking times. >>1) Is there a better way to append special characters ? >> - besides listing all of them in a giant ugly [!@#] command? You can specify special characters by range using their corresponding ASCII positions. Aka [!-/:-@\[-`{-~] Note, I didn't check to see if the above actually works so I might not have needed to escape the '['. The reason it's so long is because the ASCII table is a bit weird in how in handles the special character ranges, (I'm sure there was a reason why they spread them all over the table but darned if I know what it is). Aka the above is actually four ranges, [!-/] [:-@] [\[-'] and [{-~]. In all reality though, even though some of the commands look nasty when you write them out - copy and paste when making new rules works great, and that's why we have comments ;) Matt
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