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Message-ID: <>
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2010 20:54:13 +0300
From: Solar Designer <>
Subject: Re: Cracking CISCO ASA 5510

On Tue, Feb 02, 2010 at 11:38:33AM -0300, Nahuel Grisol?a wrote:
> Hello! With a PIX (Cisco PIX Security Appliance Software Version 7.1(2)28
> Device Manager Version 5.1(2)) with this dummy user:
> dmcom:lZt7HSIXw3.QP7.R
> which cleartext password is CscFw-ITC!
> JtR 1.4.2 with Jumbo2 is not working or i'm doing something wrong...

"Not working" is not a very informative problem report.  I've tried to
reproduce the issue myself.  john- (released yesterday)
loads a password file with the above line just fine, but it fails to
crack the password.  It gets no match for "CscFw-ITC!".  Given those
username-as-salt comments, I've also tried appending/prepending "dmcom"
to this known password.  This didn't help.

Can you please set a simpler password - such as "cisco" - and post the
resulting hash encoding in here?  We need to determine if your PIX
produces the same password hashes as those I found on the web or not.

> Maybe, if someone can play with a pix or asa, please generate some
> username-password combinations in order to test this format in JtR.

Yes, and you could help with that too.  It could help if you generate
and post several of those.  Also try setting the same password several
times for the same username (does the hash stay the same or does it
change?), then for different usernames (same question).



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