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Message-ID: <BLU118-W499779358FC42EBB0D4675D0EB0@phx.gbl> Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2008 01:54:44 +0000 From: Ruben Lara <bermejator@...mail.com> To: <john-users@...ts.openwall.com> Subject: RE: large pot and --show problem Hi all, > What hash type does that "slow" password file use? What hash type is > prevalent in your pot file? What version of JtR (and any patches) do > you use? My password files and my pot are majority formed by DES Hashes. I use JtR version without any patches, downloaded from http://www.openwall.com/john/ My machine brute forcer is old one, 1,7 processor and only 512 RAM memory with Debian Unstable, maybe, slow machine is the problem. john --show put my processor at 0.7 %CPU and 67 %MEM. > My guess is that you're dealing with saltless hashes, and that the > corresponding *_fmt.c file (coming from a patch) does not provide proper > binary_hash[]() functions. > > If so, you may consider improving that *_fmt.c file and/or you may use > the workaround suggested in this posting: > > http://www.openwall.com/lists/john-users/2008/02/04/3 Well, i tried to follow you, i looked for DES_fmt.c file in jtr source, and try to comment block, previous post say, but i couldn't find that loop anywhere... Any suggestion? Thank's for help, and Happy Christmas for everybody Rubén _________________________________________________________________ Comparte hasta 500 fotos en un solo email con Windows Live http://download.live.com/
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