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Message-ID: <20081012121725.GA20872@openwall.com> Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2008 16:17:25 +0400 From: Solar Designer <solar@...nwall.com> To: john-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: known pattern (was: need help) The "need help" Subject was non-informative, so I changed it. Please use short, yet informative Subjects on your postings. On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 10:48:52PM +0000, alex wrote: > know that i have the passwords this type alex[X]mail[X]alex > where [X] is 1 or more special characters (!@...^&*()`~-_=+\|[]{};:'",.<>/?) The above description is not specific enough. It is not clear whether "alex" and "mail" are fixed strings or just examples. It is not clear whether the first and the third "word" - the instances of "alex" in this example - are necessarily the same or not. With multiple passwords of this type, will each use "alex" or the corresponding account's username? > tried to make rules > o4[!@...^&*()`~\-_=+\\|\[\]{};:'",.<>/?]i4[!@...^&*()`~\-_=+\\|\[\]{};:'",.<>/?] This tells JtR to take an input word and overstrike one character, then insert another. It does not implement the pattern mentioned above. > how to make a 2 character, I do not know This question is not clear. You need to define the pattern in a non-ambiguous way first. Before you do that, no-one will be able to tell you with certainty that wordlist rules are even the right way to approach the task. Alexander -- To unsubscribe, e-mail john-users-unsubscribe@...ts.openwall.com and reply to the automated confirmation request that will be sent to you.
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