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Message-ID: <>
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2008 02:05:04 +0400
From: "(GalaxyMaster)" <>
Subject: Re: wiki updates


I've installed the following plugins: comment and nbsp.  The former
allows to incorporate comments into Wiki source by enclosing comments
into '/*' and '*/' tags (without quotes), while the latter provides a
functionality to introduce a non-breaking space character by using '\ '
(backslash + space).

On Mon, Jul 07, 2008 at 11:42:14PM +0400, Solar Designer wrote:

> > Would you mind considering
> > adding a DocuWiki plugin like 'comment' that would allow for adding a
> > TODO list in the source without cluttering the displayed page?
> (GalaxyMaster), our wiki guru, is the one to comment on this.  He's not
> on this list right now, but I'll ask him to comment nevertheless.


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