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Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 14:13:43 +0100
From: "L B" <>
Subject: Password to guess with a lot of information

Hi the list,

 I try to guess a password from a hash (MSCASH).

 I have john 1.7.2 with a patch adding support for mscash.

 I know this :
 - the password is 9 letters long
 - the password has 7 letters alphanum and 2 digit at the end

I modified params.h to support 9 characters and recompiled john.

I defined a new "profile" in john.conf :
File = /tmp/john/run/alnum.chr
MinLen = 9
MaxLen = 9
CharCount = 36

I wanted to use the alnum.chr charset but it doesn't look valid anymore to
john (because of the 9 digits stuff ?) : Incompatible charset file:

I tried to --make-charset but I don't understand which kind of source files
it wants (I just want alpha+num!)

How can I do to find this password ? By defining rules ? I guess with the
information I have it should be quite quick.


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