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Message-ID: <20070725185711282759.fbfc7820@gmail.com> Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 18:57:11 +0200 From: websiteaccess <websiteaccess@...il.com> To: john-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: how save all password tested (like a rainbow table) ? Hi I have a large wordlist. I would like save all words (with rules applied) tested in a file. It's like to do a rainbow table (rainbow table are build with all possibilities) composed with words in my wordlist and rules applied to these words. for example, words in my wordlist: house garden girls I would like JTR save in a file : house:2ca63cddd54f9490efad22421891a9d1 garden:e2704f30f596dbe4e22d1d443b10e004 girl:28ca53d2b7bb4aa13549b4022c79dca1 actually JTR save only passes/hash cracked. is it possible ? Regards, -- To unsubscribe, e-mail john-users-unsubscribe@...ts.openwall.com and reply to the automated confirmation request that will be sent to you.
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