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Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2013 01:12:42 +0200
From: magnum <>
Subject: Re: SSE - PARA

On 4 May, 2013, at 23:29 , wrote:
> We may want to audit our SSE-PARA values.  I just checked a few on my 64 bit VM, building with icc, and both 32 and 64 bit were non-optimal.
> Current icc:  SHA1_SSE_PARA set to 2 for both 32 and 64 bit.
> Timing using dyna_26
> para-2  64 bit, 12.5k  32 bit 10.2k
> para-1  64 bit, 13.5k  32 bit 12.8k
> I have not looked much deeper.  I am working on some SSE porting, and was simply doing some testing at different sse-para settings.  Right now, I have bugs to work through, if PARA is > 1 for my pbkdf2-hmac-sha1 logic, but will get that fixed up 'soon'.  I just wanted to report these findings while it was fresh in my memory.

Yes I never checked this thoroughly for the new ICC version (some quick checks indicated no change was needed but I may have neglected SHA-1).

You could set CC=icc in top of Makefile and try "make clean testpara". There's also "testpara32".

Preferably we should do that on a recent Intel and on a recent AMD and compare the results.


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