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Message-ID: <028701cd5c51$94a21910$bde64b30$@net>
Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2012 10:02:51 -0500
From: "jfoug" <>
To: <>
Subject: RE: RAdmin, SIP speedup

>-----Original Message-----
>Jim - by the way, if I remove the "Func=DynamicFunc__clean_input" line,
>I get not only a meaningful error message, but also a segfault.  You
>could want to investigate this.

I will look at that, but I would imagine if you remove a clean_input, then
what happens is the next appends end up buffer overflowing.

There is NO internal checking for overflow.  That would slow down the entire
dyna format by a huge amount, and increase the code size quite a bit.  The
entire scope of overflow elimination is in having the format author write a
proper format, and utilizing max pw len and max salt len and possibly in
switching out of SSE / back into SSE, etc.  

But I will look and see if there is something else amiss here.


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