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Message-ID: <BANLkTi==_jvR8fNSt4U40NYU_r2o9x1oYw@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2011 00:15:21 +0300
From: Alexandru Tudorica <tudalex@...il.com>
To: john-dev@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Re: sha256 format patches
2011/4/28 Ćukasz Odzioba <lukas.odzioba@...il.com>
> Finally i've got something faster than 9600m, it is 9800GT. Still
> slower than Alexander's 8800GTS 512 but for the next few weeks should
> be enought.
Hi, I got a 460M with 11.04 ubuntu x64, if you want some stats just send me
the code/binaries and tell me what to do, I would be happy to help.
Also got a 470GTX but that machine has just windows on it.
> For sha256cuda slow i've got ~11k c/s (8800gts - 16k c/s).
> I found bug in my phpasscuda code, i was getting wrong results, and
> many weird things because of to restrictive max_registers limit. After
> two days of tracking this bug code went messy, so I need to clean it
> up before uploading on wiki.
> As zero revision sha256cuda patch performance is poor, but it should
> be easy to double it.
> Currently it is about 30k c/s of phpass $P$9.
> oclHashcat+ can do 135k c/s on faster 8800GTS 512, so there is much to be
> done.
> Lukas
Tudorica Constantin Alexandru
Tel: 0720333018
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