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Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2016 13:47:56 -0500
From: Jeffrey Walton <>
Cc: Gergely Nagy <>, Tamás Koczka <>, 
	Jean-Pierre Münch <>, 
	Uri Blumenthal <>
Subject: CVE Request: Potential DoS in Crypto++ ASN.1 parser

Gergely Nagy and Tamás Koczka of Tresorit report a potential DoS in
the Crypto++ ASN.1 parser. A copy of their email with the report can
be found at

When Crypto++ library parses an ASN.1 data value, the library
allocates for the content octets based on the length octets. Later, if
there's too few or too little content octets, the library throws a
BERDecodeErr exception. The memory for the content octets will be
zeroized (even if unused), which could take a long time on a large

Please assign a CVE for the potential issue.

Thanks in advance.

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