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Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 21:59:21 +0100
From: Martin Carpenter <>
Subject: Re: Running Java across a privilege boundry

On Thu, 2014-12-18 at 21:43 +0300, Alexander Cherepanov wrote:
> Relative paths is not the only problem. /tmp is even worse:

Nice, thanks. Revised:

Libraries that define RPATH or RUNPATH should ensure that this does not
contain relative paths or paths that traverse insecure directories
(eg /tmp or /var/tmp). This is to prevent an executable from loading a
library from an untrusted location. (This should include the corner
cases whereby the path list starts or ends with a colon, or includes two
consecutive colons).

("insecure directories" is intentionally broad (not just "world
writable"). Clarify?).

I'll file a bug against debian-policy in ~24h unless there are further

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