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Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 14:04:02 -0600
From: Kurt Seifried <>
CC: Henri Salo <>,
Subject: Re: CVE request: TYPO3-CORE-SA-2013-003

Hash: SHA1

On 09/07/2013 02:14 AM, Henri Salo wrote:
> Could you assign two 2013 CVE identifiers for following issues,
> thanks. We have agreed with Helmut Hummel that I'm requesting TYPO3
> CVEs in the future using private method from: 
>  Component Type: TYPO3 Core Vulnerability Types: Cross-Site
> Scripting, Remote Code Execution Overall Severity: Critical Release
> Date: September 4, 2013
> #1 CVE-2013-XXXX
> Vulnerable subcomponent: File handling / File Abstraction Layer 
> Vulnerability Type: Incomplete Access Management Affected Versions:
> All versions from 6.0.0 up to the development branch of 6.2 
> Severity: Medium Suggested CVSS v2.0:
> Problem Description: TYPO3 comes with the possibility to restrict
> editors to certain file actions (copy, delete, move etc.) and to
> restrict these actions to be performed in certain locations (file
> mounts). This permission handling was only partly implemented with
> the introduction of the File Abstraction Layer (FAL). The file
> action permissions that can be set in backend user and group 
> records were not respected and users could break out of file mounts
> by crafting URLs. Thus, unprivileged users could create or read
> arbitrary files within or outside the document root.
> Solution: Update to the TYPO3 version 6.0.9, 6.1.4 or the latest
> development version! It is important to clear all caches (clear
> cache all in the backend or deleting the complete typo3temp/Cache
> directory) for the changes to take effect after the TYPO3 source
> files have been updated!
> Notes: Administrators are advised to set file permissions for
> backend users or groups by using user TS Config instead of using
> the file permission check boxes in the user or group records. This
> allows more fine grained control for single file action
> permissions. Examples in the advisory.
> Credits: Credits go to Sebastian Nerz who discovered and reported
> the issues, Steffen Ritter and Helmut Hummel for creating the fixes
> and Anja Leichsenring, Susanne Moog, Michiel Roos, Sascha Egerer
> and Ernesto Baschny for testing.

Please use CVE-2013-4320 for this issue.

> #2 CVE-2013-XXXX
> Vulnerable subcomponent: File Abstraction Layer Vulnerability Type:
> Remote Code Execution Affected Versions: All versions from 6.0.0 up
> to the development branch of 6.2 Severity: Critical Suggested CVSS
> v2.0: AV:N/AC:L/Au:S/C:C/I:C/A:C/E:F/RL:O/RC:C
> Problem Description: The check for denied file extensions
> implemented in the File Abstraction Layer as mentioned in advisory
> TYPO3-CORE-SA-2013-002 was incomplete. It was still possible for
> editors to rename files to have denied file extensions by inserting
> special characters that were removed at a later point. This (again)
> allowed authenticated editors to forge php files with arbitrary
> code, which can then be executed in web server's context.
> Solution: Update to the TYPO3 version 6.0.9, 6.1.4 or the latest
> development version!

Please use CVE-2013-4321 for this issue.

> Credits: Credits go to Sascha Egerer who discovered and reported
> the issue.
> --- Henri Salo

- -- 
Kurt Seifried Red Hat Security Response Team (SRT)
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