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Message-ID: <>
Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2013 12:27:03 +0400
Subject: Re: CVE id request: busybox

On 02-Mar-2013 21:43:53 -0700, Kurt Seifried wrote:

 >> Hi, busyboxy is creating parts of the directory tree with
 >> incorrect permissions when creating device nodes in nested
 >> directories:

 > Just a quick note:
 > find / -perm +0002
 > should show a very minimal list (/tmp, /var/tmp, some spool dirs,
 > and symbolic links),

`find -L / -perm /0002` will perform better, following the symlinks.

 > please run this on your packages/systems to ensure nothing silly
 > is going out the door.

For that, I'd recommend checking for "-perm /0022": group-writable
directories (primarily) and files are about to cause trouble as well.

 > It's 2013, I shouldn't be assigning CVEs for this problem still :P.

That's Debian, they are still in the past century... :-)

Alexey V. Vissarionov aka Gremlin from Kremlin <gremlin ПРИ gremlin ТЧК ru>
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