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Message-Id: <>
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2012 10:06:24 -0500
From: "Todd C. Miller" <>
Subject: Re: Re: TTY handling when executing code in different lower-privileged context (su, virt containers)

On Tue, 06 Nov 2012 15:06:57 +0100, Marcus Meissner wrote:

> Ludwig Nussel tried to also use pseudo tty, but this gets kind of
> messy soon, especially if you start with the signal handling required
> (ctrl-z and ctrl-c over su are supposed to work...).

Using a pseudo tty and still having job control work requires you
use an extra process in the new session to be the parent of the
command.  Otherwise the kernel considers the process group to be
an "orphan" and won't deliver SIGTSTP, SIGTTOU, SIGTTIN etc.

It does get somewhat messy as you need to catch job control signals
from the user's tty and pass them on to the process running in the
new pty.  This is what sudo does when I/O logging is enabled or the
"use_pty" option is specified.

Simply using setsid() to create a new session for sudo is not a
workable solution as it breaks too many things.  For example, using
sudo in a pipeline would no longer work properly.

 - todd

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