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Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2012 17:25:04 -0700
From: Kurt Seifried <>
CC: Jan Lieskovsky <>,
        "Steven M. Christey" <>,
        Mo Morsi <>,
        Vít Ondruch
Subject: Re: CVE Request -- Ruby on Rails (v3.0.12) / rubygem-actionpack:
 Two XSS flaws

On 03/02/2012 04:34 AM, Jan Lieskovsky wrote:
> Hello Kurt, Steve, vendors,
>   as noted in:
>   [1]
> Issue #A:
> ----------
> A cross-site scripting (XSS) flaw was found in the way the String class,
> used
> in Ruby on Rails, performed HTML escaping of SafeBuffer objects, when such
> objects were manipulated directly via '[]' method or other methods, also
> returning new instances of SafeBuffer object. By using these methods, such
> newly returned SafeBuffer instances would be inadvertently marked as
> HTML safe.
> If a Ruby on Rails application used SafeBuffer objects this way, a remote
> attacker could provide a specially-crafted input, which once processed
> by such
> SafeBuffer instance would pass the HTML escaping test without further
> filtering, possibly leading to arbitrary HTML or webscript execution.
> References:
> [2A]
> [3A]
> [4A]
> Proposed upstream patches:
> [5A]
>     (against v3.0 branch)
> [6A]
>     (against v3.1 branch)
> [7A]
>     (against v3.2 branch)

Please use CVE-2012-1098 for this issue.

> Issue #B:
> ----------
> A cross-site scripting (XSS) flaw was found in the way 'select' helper
> method
> of the Ruby on Rails performed HTML escaping of 'select' HTML tag
> options, when
> the tags were created manually. In this case, the select tag values
> might end
> up unescaped. A remote-attacker could provide a specially-crafted input
> to Ruby
> on Rails application, using select tags this way, which potentially
> resulted
> into arbitrary HTML or webscript execution.
> References:
> [2B]
> [3B]
> [4B]
> Proposed upstream patches:
> [5B]
>     (against v3.0 branch)
> [6B]
>     (against v3.1 branch)
> [7B]
>     (against v3.2 branch)
> Could you allocate CVE ids for these?
> Thank you && Regards, Jan.
> -- 
> Jan iankko Lieskovsky / Red Hat Security Response Team

Please use CVE-2012-1099 for this issue.

Summary: different researchers so two CVE's.

CVE-2012-1098 Ruby on rails 3.0.11 string class XSS vulnerability
CVE-2012-1099 Ruby on rails 3.0.11 'select' helper method XSS vulnerability

Kurt Seifried Red Hat Security Response Team (SRT)

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