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Message-Id: <>
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2008 14:43:51 +0200
From: Robert Buchholz <>
Subject: ssmtp =2.62 unitialized memory disclosure


Maurice van der Pot of Gentoo reported a bug in ssmtp 2.62:
The from_format() function in ssmtp.c will call strdup() on an 
unitialized memory if the user's gecos is unset and "FromLineOverride" 
is disabled in the configuration. This might disclose memory contents 
by sending them off in the the "From:" field of an email or cause a 
(client) crash.

We're handling this as bug 234391 [ ].

ssmtp 2.61 is not affected.

If anyone needs a CVE identifier, please speak up. We will handle this 
low-impact issue without a GLSA.


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