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Message-ID: <>
Date: Tue, 5 May 2015 12:09:09 -0400
From: Mathieu Laprise <>
Subject: Re: [Johnny] Task 1.4.2 fork and OpenMP

Hey guys OpenMP done !

If the spin box is set as "default" (which is also the default value of the
spin box), it's not gonna set OMP_NUM_THREAD variable and john will select
it based on the number of processors. Otherwise, it's gonna set it to the
specified number in the process environnement like Shinnok said. See
screenshot below

Solar said :

> There are a few more OpenMP environment variables that sometimes may be
> set to tune performance.  Maybe there should be a general env var input
> field, where multiple name=value pairs could be input.  I don't expect a
> typical user of Johnny to actually know this stuff, but there might be
> cases where e.g. one of us on john-users recommends a specific setting
> to a user.

Sure, I can add that if you want.

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