Message-ID: <9445591b1b5abd172c287c0d296cdc7b@smtp.hushmail.com> Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 20:25:10 +0200 From: magnum <john.magnum@...hmail.com> To: john-dev@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: Win32 Standalone Bleeding Jumbo warning On 2014-06-05 17:50, Rich Rumble wrote: > When I run the latest versions outside cygwin (in cmd.exe), I see > these messages when I use -pipe for instance... > -------------------------- > Warning: '/dev/shm' does not exists or is not a directory. > > POSIX shared memory objects require the existance of this directory. > Create the directory '/dev/shm' and set the permissions to 01777. > For instance on the command line: mkdir -m 01777 /dev/shm Maybe Jim can tweak this in some way. If you want to run outside Cygwin a MinGW build should be much less prone to things like this. > And I noticed some specific references to *nix specifica paths in the conf file > # If this file exists, john will abort cleanly > AbortFile = /var/run/john/abort > > # While this file exists, john will pause > PauseFile = /var/run/john/pause > > Should those not be $JOHN? > (e.g.)Statsfile = $JOHN/stats You could change them to $JOHN if you like. The rationale for the default is I wanted it to be usable on Openwall's test machines in a way that users can pause/abort *other* users' processes if needed (using a group writable /var/run/john directory). > When I use the Cygwin env, the command runs with no warnings, but I do > have to issue > "stty echo" to see my console input again, this is the command: > > ./john.exe -stdout -external=sequence | ./john.exe -session=123 > pass.txt -format=nt -pipe -rules=single That must be a bug. Jim, can you reproduce it? magnum
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