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Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 01 Jan 2014 19:31:40 +0100
From: magnum <>
Subject: Re: dynamic_2000 - dynamic_2014

On 2014-01-01 16:26, Frank Dittrich wrote:
> Apparently, formats dynamic_2000 - dynamic_2014, defined in
> run/dynamic_flat_sse_formats.conf re-implement dynamic_0 - dynamic_14.
> These formats are slower, but allow longer passwords.
> Unfortunately, these formats use different canonical hash
> representations than the dynamic_0 - dynamic_14 formats.
> Probably this means, dynamic_2000 will not recognize cracked dynamic_0
> hashes in the pot file, and vice versa.
> Is there an easy way to avoid this, without putting the burden to
> remember an work around the pitfalls on the user?
> E.g., what needs to be done so that dynamic_2000 can use a $dynamic_0$
> prefix as well?

Major changes in dynamic are required for fixing this iirc. Ideally the 
format tag should be configurable too. I'm still hoping Jim will come 
back to us at some point in time.

> And shouldn't the test suite be adjusted, so that the dynamic_0 -
> dynamic_14 tests are reused for dynamic_2000 - dynamic_2014?
> (Of course, dynamic_2000 - dynamic_2014 should also have additional
> tests which include passwords with the extended max. password length.)

Please do! ;-) Or open an issue in the TS repo and I'll fix it later.


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