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Message-ID: <>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 13:55:09 +0200
From: magnum <>
Subject: Re: Bleeding-jumbo release

On 11 Aug, 2013, at 16:53 , magnum <> wrote:
> On 8 Aug, 2013, at 23:13 , Solar Designer <> wrote:
>> I still hope to release bleeding as 1.8.0-jumbo-1 in not too distant future
> Here's the status as of 0d3eaa1:
> The problematic patches from Sayantan now only exist in the bleeding-mask branch.
> All Bleeding-jumbo issues known to me are listed in
> I just fixed a bunch of generic build problems/bugs seen on CommonCrypto systems. A generic build now only fails self-test for Dynamic_1300 (any system) and mscash2 (only CommonCrypto systems).
> Other than that, the only definite release blockers if you ask me are a couple of OpenCL formats that should use a split kernel: pbkdf2-hmac-sha256-opencl and 7z-opencl. Both have kernel durations long enough to reboot my MacBook, and 7z even makes Bull reboot iirc. For a release, we can simply omit those formats, ie. move them to unused directory.

So pbkdf2-hmac-sha256-opencl is fixed now, and I just disabled 7z-opencl and moved it to unused.


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