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Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2013 05:42:09 +0400
From: Solar Designer <>
Subject: Re: sha3-opencl

Daniel -

On Sun, Jun 02, 2013 at 11:47:42PM +0200, D?niel Bali wrote:
> I'll start working on it tomorrow and post here as soon as I made progress
> or have a question.

I notice you left this running process on bull and logged out:

daniel   28447 90.3  0.6 21149860 51400 ?      Rl   03:46 103:13 ../run/john -test --format=raw-keccak256-opencl-test

It has consumed 100 minutes of CPU time (eating up one CPU core) and it
is doing something on the NVIDIA GPU (although the GPU load is almost
non-existent).  Is this intentional?  I guess not.  OK to kill it to let
others reliably benchmark stuff?


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