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Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 11 May 2013 19:03:28 +0200
From: magnum <>
Subject: Re: Unused global symbols in jumbo

Lots of real "issues" are shown though. Why do we not declare the mmxput stuff in sse-intrinsics.c as static? I hope this doesn't mean they're not inlined if otherwise applicable... And there seem to be lot's of missing "static" for functions in EPI_fmt_plug.c and other files.


On 11 May, 2013, at 18:35 , <> wrote:

> Many of these have to be global.  There were issues in some compiling env's (cygwin??) where it would not align static variables.  Thus, we have #defines in each source, which mangles the normal name (crypt) into something unique to the format  (MD5Gen_crypt, etc).  Yes, they are globals, but steps have been taken to make sure they are linker safe.
> There is little/no gain worrying about unused globals. The only time it matters at all, is at link time.  The linker will tell you if there are problems.
> Jim.
> ---- Alexander Cherepanov <> wrote: 
>> Hi, all!
>> There are 331 unused globals in unstable-jumbo -- list attached. It's 
>> generated by compiling unstable with debugging information and running 
>> the following command:
>> $ nm -olg *.o | perl | sort -k1.40 > unused-globals.txt
>> is also attached.
>> -- 
>> Alexander Cherepanov

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