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Message-ID: <0d27fff52d518a2f5cc01a88ade4a363@smtp.hushmail.com> Date: Sat, 4 May 2013 01:02:11 +0200 From: magnum <john.magnum@...hmail.com> To: john-dev@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: Yet more crashes On 4 May, 2013, at 0:53 , Lukas Odzioba <lukas.odzioba@...il.com> wrote: > 2013/5/4 magnum <john.magnum@...hmail.com>: >> Nah, I reviewed at it and thought it was perfectly sane, so I am a fool too :-) >> >> I have a feeling there actually is some - other - standard function that does what we meant, but I can't find it. > > I am just curious how did you find out later that this was broken. You > woke up in the morning after 'bad dream' about broken patch? :) I trusted you (in hindsight you never actually say you tested it) so I never verified it, just committed it blindly. Then after merging boatloads of other stuff I decided today it was time for a --test=0, and bang, you were hit. > If you find this function let me know. Maybe we should write one? All of Dhiru's formats look the same, we should create some framework for keeping him^H^H^Hthem on a tight leash :-) magnum
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