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Message-ID: <BLU0-SMTP330B6E5CAB7A3731D785FEAFD4C0@phx.gbl>
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2012 00:49:31 +0100
From: Frank Dittrich <>
Subject: Re: bash completion failures

As noticed by magnum, the only problem which remains after the latest
changes committed to github is a trailing space when completing --subformat=

Trouble is, in earlier john versions there was a --subformat=LIST in the
usage output, which listed all dynamic formats.
This still works, and it is still mentioned in doc/OPTIONS, but marked
as deprecated.
The --subformat=LIST mentioned in doc/README.bash-completion will be
removed in my next patch.

To fix the trailing space when completing --subformat=, line 150 of the
script is wrong.
Now that $options also contains the hidden options, this change is needed:

s/|grep -v '^ *--subformat='//

I'll commit this change together with the doc/README.bash-completion change

However, due to a recently introduced bug in john, completion for
$ ./john --subformat=[tab][tab]
does not work

I use this command to obtain the list of valid crypt subformats:

$ ./john --test=0 --format=crypt --subformat=\?
Currently, the script just contains --subformat=?, but I'll escape the ?
with my next commit.
Instead of the valid subformats supported by --format=crypt, I get:

$ ./john --test=0 --format=crypt --subformat=\?
Warning: doing quick benchmarking - the performance numbers will be
The crypt format does not use internal charset conversion
(--encoding=utf8 option).

The same error occurs for

$ ./john --test=0 --format=crypt
Warning: doing quick benchmarking - the performance numbers will be
The crypt format does not use internal charset conversion
(--encoding=utf8 option).


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