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Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2012 19:46:11 +0100
From: magnum <>
Subject: Re: Warnings for an old OpenSSL

On 12 Dec, 2012, at 13:50 , Lukas Odzioba <> wrote:
> What do you think about generating warnings about disabled formats during build.
> Are there any chances that someone will read that?

Probably not, unless they build with >/dev/null, or the -s option to make which is essentially the same thing. We could recommend this. I'm not sure non-gnu make will understand -s, does anyone know?

We should also try to get rid of as many other warnings as possible. Late gcc complains about a bunch of new stuff. It's a bit down on my to-do list to try to get rid of them (and anyone else wanting to do a few is very welcome).

> Yesterday someone on our irc channel had problem with truecrypt and
> openssl 1.0.0
> The best way would be generate one big info at the end of compilation
> instead of mixing those with other warnings, but this would require
> changes in Makefile I think.

I'm not sure what we could do that would be better than -s.


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