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Message-ID: <BLU0-SMTP2072F9754036A533A5BAE8BFDCD0@phx.gbl>
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2012 23:12:53 +0200
From: Frank Dittrich <>
Subject: Re: Aleksey's daily status report #3

Hi Aleksey,

On 08/08/2012 09:49 PM, Aleksey Cherepanov wrote:
> Done
> - session restoration with one default session

Great. I just tested it, seems to work as expected.
What is the "Open Last Session" button for? When does it get active?

>   Unusual usage brings minor problems.

What kind of "unusual usage"? Can you do that from within the GUI?
Or does it involve mixed command line and GUI usage?
What minor problems?

> - pwdump format and lonely hashes loading

I did nit test this. I assume you did?

> To do
> - --users and similar options
> - trick with original hash in gecos

I don't know which trick you are talking about.

> - make config to live in ~/.john

I'd change the order, put the config into ~/.john  directory first.
(And can you please get rid of spaces in the config file name?)


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