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Message-ID: <BLU0-SMTP388D9A1C2855C5F3A780A93FDED0@phx.gbl>
Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2012 11:57:53 +0200
From: Frank Dittrich <>
Subject: Re: Re: Aleksey's status report #10

On 06/27/2012 02:55 PM, Frank Dittrich wrote:
> For other section names, you might even need to implement new
> functionality to john, like listing the contents of a section (with
> include statements for sections or file names being resolved).
> Or at least functionality to get the value of a certain variable from a
> config section, so that you can parse
> File = $JOHN/my.chr
> and know which file is needed for that attack.

It gets even more complicated, because default for --incremental is All,
except when you are cracking LM DES hashes.
For lm, the default is LanMan -> lanman.chr
(But we can also just assume that lanman.chr exists on all the clients.

Markov mode (--markov) also uses a file, specified as Statsfile in
[Markov:Default], or in the section name specified with
If section consists just of '0' - '9' and '-', then it is not a section
name, but a markov level (range).


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