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Message-ID: <CABh=JREmptZ4vxjRvyx2CuRWSxaDUfDt=_oXNthSBPc5UkoADA@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 21:18:54 +0300
From: Milen Rangelov <gat3way@...il.com>
To: john-dev@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Re: fast hashes on GPU
I think you would be very disappointed by the SHA512 speed on GPUs
(especially AMD ones). it is not twice slower than SHA256, more like 10
times slower. There are several reasons for this, mainly that there are no
64-bit bitwise rotation and bitselect, 64-bit arithmetics being slow
emulated in software and slower, higher GPR pressure. On VLIW GPUs it's
even worse because of the GPR utilization, the best speeds are utilized
with 2-wide vectors and that does not provide enough independent operations
to fill in all VLIW bundles, thus you get much lower ALUPacking as compared
to sha256.
On NVidia, situation is somewhat better though.
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