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Message-ID: <b5aafc131b4a580764ef2078ebb8635b@smtp.hushmail.com>
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2012 20:05:19 +0100
From: magnum <john.magnum@...hmail.com>
To: john-dev@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: CUDA vs Test Suite [was: OpenCL vs Test Suite]
I had a look at CUDA. The combined -gpu target I made seems to work just
fine, I get both CUDA and OpenCL formats at once.
Enclosed is yet another version of jtrts.dat for Test Suite, combining
support for OpenCL as well as a couple of the CUDA formats (the SHA-2
ones will be added later, for non-GPU too). Usage:
./jtrts.pl opencl (all opencl formats)
./jtrts.pl cuda (all cuda formats)
./jtrts.pl gpu (all opencl and cuda formats)
./jtrts.pl md5 cryptmd5-opencl cuda-cryptmd5 (any number of specific
I have some problem with CUDA:
GTX280 and 9600GT:
Benchmarking: cuda-mscash2 [GPU]... FAILED (valid)
Benchmarking: cuda-mscash len(pass)=8, len(salt)=13 []... FAILED
9600GT only:
cuda-cryptmd5 failed (get_hash[2](0))
The 9600GT might just be too weak a card, or should it work? I might
have some time to debug these problems later, I presume it works for you.
Download attachment "jtrts.dat" of type "application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig" (29511 bytes)
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