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Message-ID: <03fa01ccaeca$68282530$38786f90$@net> Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 13:09:23 -0600 From: "jfoug" <jfoug@....net> To: <john-dev@...ts.openwall.com> Subject: RE: .bss size in -jumbo >From: magnum [mailto:john.magnum@...hmail.com] > >2011-11-28 02:07, Solar Designer wrote: >> magnum, Jim - >> >> .bss in 1.7.8-jumbo-8 grew to 140 MB in a 64-bit build with OpenMP: > >> I think at least top 5 of these (or maybe 7 or 9) should be changed to >> allocate their memory dynamically > >Nine of the worst offenders are fixed in patch 0019. I did the ones I >was guilty of :) As was found yesterday, when I had MD5 core, we need to memset to 0, the dyna-allocs of these buffers, to null's. This keeps the change equal to the original static buffer in the .bss, which the runtime environ would memset to zero upon program start. I am not saying these would core, but if we do null the string data out, then there should be no latent bug, or worse yet, a bug that only seems to impact one system (like I found). Jim.
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