pthread_attr_getstack 1-1: unspecified behavior, calls getstack before setstack pthread_attr_setinheritsched: 2-2, 2-3, 2-4: requires root pthread_cancel 5-1: undefined behavior, uses thread id after lifetime has ended 3-1: requires root for sched param pthread_cond_destroy speculative/4-1: undefined behavior, destroys busy condvar pthread_create threads_scenarii.c wrongly requires page size to divide min stack size 2-1: undefined behavior, uses thread id after lifetime has ended 1-5, 3-2: probably bogus tests, trying to measure stack usage pthread_detach 1-1, 1-2: undefined behavior, attempts to join a non-joinable thread 4-1: undefined behavior, calls pthread_detach on a non-joinable thread 4-2: undefined behavior, uses thread id after lifetime has ended pthread_getcpuclockid speculative/3-1: undefined behavior, uses thread id after lifetime has ended pthread_getschedparam 1-2, 1-3: requires root for sched param pthread_join speculative/6-1: undefined behavior, attempts to join a non-joinable thread pthread_key_create 2-1: undefined behavior, uses uninitialized key object speculative/5-1: buggy test, <= should be < pthread_kill 6-1: undefined behavior, uses thread id after lifetime has ended pthread_mutex_getprioceiling 1-1: unsupported feature pthread_mutex_init 1-2, 3-2: undefined behavior, attempts to deadlock a default-type mutex 5-1: utterly nonsensical test, attempts to fail by exhausting memory speculative/5-2: utterly nonsensical test, no relation to mutexes pthread_mutex_lock 3-1: spurious failure? crash? can't reproduce pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol 1-2: testing unsupported feature pthread_mutexattr_gettype speculative/3-1: undefined behavior, accessing uninitialized object pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol 1-1: testing unsupported feature pthread_rwlock_rdlock 2-1, 2-2: testing desirable but unsatisfiable property, also missing root pthread_rwlock_unlock 3-1: testing desirable but unsatisfiable property, also missing root pthread_rwlock_wrlock 3-1: testing for error when deadlock is explicitly allowed behavior pthread_setcanceltype 1-1: undefined behavior, calls async-cancel-unsafe functions with AC pthread_setschedparam 1-2, 4-1: need root for scheduling pthread_setschedprio 1-1: need root for scheduling sem_init 7-1: nonsensical test, expects failure sem_post 8-1: needs unsupported options sem_unlink 3-1: needs root 4-1: undefined behavior, uninitialized filename 5-1: off-by-one error in check for ENAMETOOLONG, but test is wrong anyway all AIO tests wrongly check for ver == 200112L rather than >= timer_create 10-1, 11-1: nonsensical test, expects a cputime timer to fire while sleeping strftime 1-1: musl failure, broken %U format 2-1: musl failure, broken %OU format clock_getcpuclockid 2-1: invalid test; ignores EPERM and assumes the clockid was invalid mmap 11-4, 11-5: linux failure, no workaround (partial page bug) 23-1: linux failure, but musl could work around it 28-1: bogus test, ENXIO is for devices not files 31-1: bogus test, EOVERFLOW is for files with 32-bit off_t shm_open 39-2: invalid test, name contains /'s shm_unlink 10-2: invalid test, name contains /'s