#include #include #include "wpapcap2john.h" bool Process(FILE *, const char *InFName); bool GetNextPacket(FILE *in); bool ProcessPacket(); void HandleBeacon(); void Handle4Way(bool bIsQOS); void DumpKey(int idx, int one_three, bool bIsQOS); uint32 start_t, start_u, cur_t, cur_u; pcaprec_hdr_t pkt_hdr; uint8 packet[65535]; static bool bROT; WPA4way_t wpa[1000]; int nwpa=0; char itoa64[65] = "./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 2) return !!fprintf(stderr, "Usage wpacpap2john cpap_filename\n"); FILE *in = fopen(argv[1], "rb"); if (in) { Process(in, argv[1]); fclose(in); } else fprintf(stderr, "Error, file %s not found\n", argv[1]); return 0; } bool Process(FILE *in, const char *InFName) { pcap_hdr_t main_hdr; if (fread(&main_hdr, 1, sizeof(pcap_hdr_t), in) != sizeof(pcap_hdr_t)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error, could not read enough bytes to get a common 'main' pcap header\n"); return false; } if (main_hdr.magic_number == 0xa1b2c3d4) bROT = false; else if (main_hdr.magic_number == 0xd4c3b2a1) bROT = true; else { fprintf(stderr, "Error, Invalid pcap magic number, (not a pcap file!)\n"); return false; } if(bROT) { main_hdr.magic_number = swap(main_hdr.magic_number); main_hdr.version_major = swap(main_hdr.version_major); main_hdr.version_minor = swap(main_hdr.version_minor); main_hdr.sigfigs = swap(main_hdr.sigfigs); main_hdr.snaplen = swap(main_hdr.snaplen); main_hdr.network = swap(main_hdr.network); } if (main_hdr.network != 105) { fprintf(stderr, "This program will only read 802.11 wireless traffic\n"); return false; } while (GetNextPacket(in)) { if (!ProcessPacket()) return true; } return true; } bool GetNextPacket(FILE *in) { if (fread(&pkt_hdr, 1, sizeof(pkt_hdr), in) != sizeof(pkt_hdr)) return false; if(bROT) { pkt_hdr.ts_sec = swap(pkt_hdr.ts_sec); pkt_hdr.ts_usec = swap(pkt_hdr.ts_usec); pkt_hdr.incl_len = swap(pkt_hdr.incl_len); pkt_hdr.orig_len = swap(pkt_hdr.orig_len); } if (!start_t) { start_t = pkt_hdr.ts_sec; start_u = pkt_hdr.ts_usec; } cur_t = pkt_hdr.ts_sec-start_t; if (start_u > pkt_hdr.ts_usec) { --cur_t; cur_u = 1000000-(start_u-pkt_hdr.ts_usec); } else cur_u = pkt_hdr.ts_usec-start_u; fread(packet, 1, pkt_hdr.incl_len, in); return true; } // Ok, this function is the main packet processor. NOTE, when we are done // reading packets (i.e. we have done what we want), we return false, and // the program will exit gracefully. It is not an error, it is just an // indication we have completed (or that the data we want is not here). bool ProcessPacket() { // our data is in packet[] with pkt_hdr being the pcap packet header for this packet. ether_frame_hdr_t *pkt = (ether_frame_hdr_t*)packet; ether_frame_ctl_t *ctl = (ether_frame_ctl_t *)&pkt->frame_ctl; if (ctl->type == 0 && ctl->subtype == 8) { // beacon Type 0 is management, subtype 8 is beacon HandleBeacon(); return true; } // if not beacon, then only look data, looking for EAPOL 'type' if (ctl->type == 2) { // type 2 is data bool bQOS = (ctl->subtype & 8) != 0; if ( (ctl->toDS ^ ctl->fromDS) != 1)// eapol will ONLY be direct toDS or direct fromDS. return true; uint8 *p = packet; // Ok, find out if this is a EAPOL packet or not. p += sizeof(ether_frame_hdr_s); if (bQOS) p += 2; // p now points to the start of the LLC (logical link control) structure. // this is 8 bytes long, and the last 2 bytes are the 'type' field. What // we are looking for is 802.11X authentication packets. These are 0x888e // in value. We are running from an LE system, so should look for 0x8e88 p += 6; if (*((uint16*)p) == 0x8e88) Handle4Way(bQOS); // this packet was a eapol packet. } return true; } void to_bssid(char ssid[18], uint8 *p) { sprintf(ssid, "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X",p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3],p[4],p[5]); } void HandleBeacon() { // addr1 should be broadcast // addr2 is source addr (should be same as BSSID // addr3 is BSSID (routers MAC) ether_frame_hdr_t *pkt = (ether_frame_hdr_t*)packet; int i; ether_beacon_data_t *pDat = (ether_beacon_data_t*)&packet[sizeof(ether_frame_hdr_t)]; ether_beacon_tag_t *tag = pDat->tags; // ok, walk the tags uint8 *pFinal = &packet[pkt_hdr.incl_len]; char ssid[36]; memset(ssid, 0, sizeof(ssid)); while (((uint8*)tag) < pFinal) { if (tag->tagtype == 0) { // essid memcpy(ssid, tag->tag, tag->taglen); } char *x = (char*)tag; x += tag->taglen + 2; tag = (ether_beacon_tag_t *)x; } char essid[18]; to_bssid(essid, pkt->addr3); for (i = 0; i < nwpa; ++i) { if (!strcmp(essid, wpa[i].essid) && !strcmp(ssid, wpa[i].ssid)) return; } if (nwpa==999) return; strcpy(wpa[nwpa].ssid, ssid); strcpy(wpa[nwpa].essid, essid); ++nwpa; } void Handle4Way(bool bIsQOS) { ether_frame_hdr_t *pkt = (ether_frame_hdr_t*)packet; ether_frame_ctl_t *ctl = (ether_frame_ctl_t *)&pkt->frame_ctl; int i, ess=-1; uint8 orig_2[512]; // ok, first thing, find the beacon. If we can NOT find the beacon, then // do not proceed. Also, if we find the becon, we may determine that // we already HAVE fully cracked this char essid[18]; to_bssid(essid, pkt->addr3); for (i = 0; i < nwpa; ++i) { if (!strcmp(essid, wpa[i].essid)) { ess=i; break; } } if (ess==-1) return; if (wpa[ess].fully_cracked) return; // no reason to go on. memcpy(orig_2, packet, pkt_hdr.orig_len); uint8 *p = (uint8*)&packet[sizeof(ether_frame_hdr_t)]; // Ok, after pkt, uint16 QOS control (should be 00 00) if (bIsQOS) p += 2; // we are now at Logical-Link Control. (8 bytes long). // LLC check not needed here any more. We do it in the packet cracker section, b4 // calling this function. We just need to skip the 8 byte LLC. //if (memcmp(p, "\xaa\xaa\x3\0\0\0\x88\x8e", 8)) return; // not a 4way p += 8; // p now points to the 802.1X Authentication structure. ether_auto_802_1x_t *auth = (ether_auto_802_1x_t*)p; auth->length = swap(auth->length); *(uint16*)&(auth->key_info) = swap(*(uint16*)&(auth->key_info)); auth->key_len = swap(auth->key_len); auth->replay_cnt = swap(auth->replay_cnt); auth->wpa_keydatlen = swap(auth->wpa_keydatlen); int msg = 0; if (!auth->key_info.KeyACK) { // msg 2 or 4 if (auth->key_info.Secure) { msg = 4; // is this useful? return; } else msg = 2; } else { if (auth->key_info.Install) msg = 3; else msg = 1; } // Ok, we look for a 1 followed immediately by a 2 which have exact same replay_cnt, we have // a 'likely' key. Or we want a 2 followed by a 3 that are 1 replay count apart) which means // we DO have a key. The 3 is not returned unless the 2 (which came from the client), IS // valid. So, we get the anonce from either the 1 or the 3 packet. // for our first run, we output ALL valid keys found in the file. That way, I can validate that // any keys which were produced by aircrack-ng are 'valid' or not. aircrack-ng WILL generate some // invalid keys. Also, I want to flag "unknown" keys as just that, unk. These are 1-2's which // do not have valid 3 4's. They 'may' be valid, but may also be a client with the wrong password. if (msg == 1) { delete wpa[ess].packet1; wpa[ess].packet1 = new uint8 [pkt_hdr.orig_len]; memcpy(wpa[ess].packet1, packet, pkt_hdr.orig_len); delete wpa[ess].packet2; wpa[ess].packet2 = NULL; delete wpa[ess].orig_2; wpa[ess].orig_2 = NULL; delete wpa[ess].packet3; wpa[ess].packet3 = NULL; delete wpa[ess].packet4; wpa[ess].packet4 = NULL; } if (msg == 2) { // see if we have a msg1 that 'matches'. delete wpa[ess].packet3; wpa[ess].packet3 = NULL; delete wpa[ess].packet4; wpa[ess].packet4 = NULL; wpa[ess].packet2 = new uint8 [pkt_hdr.orig_len]; wpa[ess].orig_2 = new uint8 [pkt_hdr.orig_len]; memcpy(wpa[ess].packet2, packet, pkt_hdr.orig_len); memcpy(wpa[ess].orig_2, orig_2, pkt_hdr.orig_len); wpa[ess].eapol_sz = pkt_hdr.orig_len-8-sizeof(ether_frame_hdr_t); if (bIsQOS) wpa[ess].eapol_sz -= 2; if (wpa[ess].packet1) { ether_auto_802_1x_t *auth2 = auth; p = (uint8*)wpa[ess].packet1; if (bIsQOS) p += 2; p += 8; p += sizeof(ether_frame_hdr_t); ether_auto_802_1x_t *auth1 = (ether_auto_802_1x_t*)p; if (auth1->replay_cnt == auth2->replay_cnt) { fprintf (stderr, "Key1/Key2 hit (hopful hit), for SSID:%s\n", wpa[ess].ssid); DumpKey(ess, 1, bIsQOS); } // we no longer want to know about this packet 1. delete wpa[ess].packet1; wpa[ess].packet1 = NULL; } } if (msg == 3) { // see if we have a msg2 that 'matches', which is 1 less than our replay count. delete wpa[ess].packet1; wpa[ess].packet1 = NULL; delete wpa[ess].packet4; wpa[ess].packet4 = NULL; wpa[ess].packet3 = new uint8 [pkt_hdr.orig_len]; memcpy(wpa[ess].packet3, packet, pkt_hdr.orig_len); if (wpa[ess].packet2) { ether_auto_802_1x_t *auth3 = auth; p = (uint8*)wpa[ess].packet2; if (bIsQOS) p += 2; p += 8; p += sizeof(ether_frame_hdr_t); ether_auto_802_1x_t *auth2 = (ether_auto_802_1x_t*)p; if (auth2->replay_cnt+1 == auth3->replay_cnt) { fprintf (stderr, "Key2/Key3 hit (SURE hit), for SSID:%s\n", wpa[ess].ssid); DumpKey(ess, 3, bIsQOS); } } // clear this, so we do not hit the same 3 packet and output exact same 2/3 combo. delete wpa[ess].packet3; wpa[ess].packet3 = NULL; delete wpa[ess].packet2; wpa[ess].packet2 = NULL; delete wpa[ess].orig_2; wpa[ess].orig_2 = NULL; } if (msg == 4) { delete wpa[ess].packet1; wpa[ess].packet1 = NULL; delete wpa[ess].packet2; wpa[ess].packet2 = NULL; delete wpa[ess].orig_2; wpa[ess].orig_2 = NULL; delete wpa[ess].packet3; wpa[ess].packet3 = NULL; delete wpa[ess].packet4; wpa[ess].packet4 = NULL; } } // These 2 functions output data properly for JtR, in base-64 format. These // were taken from hccap2john.c source, and modified for this project. static void code_block(unsigned char *in, unsigned char b) { putchar(itoa64[in[0] >> 2]); putchar(itoa64[((in[0] & 0x03) << 4) | (in[1] >> 4)]); if (b) { putchar(itoa64[((in[1] & 0x0f) << 2) | (in[2] >> 6)]); putchar(itoa64[in[2] & 0x3f]); } else putchar(itoa64[((in[1] & 0x0f) << 2)]); } void DumpKey(int ess, int one_three, bool bIsQOS) { fprintf (stderr, "Dumping key %d at time: %d.%d\n", one_three, cur_t, cur_u); printf ("$WPAPSK$%s#", wpa[ess].ssid); ether_auto_802_1x_t *auth13, *auth2; if (!wpa[ess].packet2) { printf ("ERROR, msg2 null\n"); return; } uint8 *p = (uint8*)wpa[ess].packet2; uint8 *pkt2 = p; if (bIsQOS) p += 2; p += 8; p += sizeof(ether_frame_hdr_t); auth2 = (ether_auto_802_1x_t*)p; uint8 *p13; if (one_three==1) { if (!wpa[ess].packet1) { printf ("ERROR, msg1 null\n"); return; } p = wpa[ess].packet1; } else { if (!wpa[ess].packet3) { printf ("ERROR, msg3 null\n"); return; } p = wpa[ess].packet3; } p13 = p; if (bIsQOS) p += 2; p += 8; p += sizeof(ether_frame_hdr_t); auth13 = (ether_auto_802_1x_t*)p; hccap_t hccap; memset(&hccap, 0, sizeof(hccap_t)); hccap.keyver = auth2->key_info.KeyDescr; memcpy(hccap.mac1, ((ether_frame_hdr_s*)pkt2)->addr1, 6); memcpy(hccap.mac2, ((ether_frame_hdr_s*)(p13))->addr1, 6); memcpy(hccap.nonce1, auth2->wpa_nonce,32); memcpy(hccap.nonce2, auth13->wpa_nonce,32); memcpy(hccap.keymic, auth2->wpa_keymic, 16); p = wpa[ess].orig_2; if (bIsQOS) p += 2; p += 8; p += sizeof(ether_frame_hdr_t); auth2 = (ether_auto_802_1x_t*)p; memset(auth2->wpa_keymic, 0, 16); memcpy(hccap.eapol, auth2, wpa[ess].eapol_sz); hccap.eapol_size = wpa[ess].eapol_sz; int i; uint8 *w = (uint8 *)&hccap; for (i = 36; i + 3 < sizeof(hccap_t); i += 3) code_block(&w[i], 1); code_block(&w[i], 0); printf("\n"); fprintf(stderr, "keyver=%d\n\n",hccap.keyver); }