Elapsed Time: 22.251s Clockticks: 36,598,054,897 Instructions Retired: 90,266,135,399 CPI Rate: 0.405 Filled Pipeline Slots: Retiring: 0.628 General Retirement: 0.620 FP Arithmetic: 0.001 FP x87: 0.000 FP Scalar: 0.000 FP Vector: 0.001 Other: 0.989 Microcode Sequencer: 0.008 Bad Speculation: 0.000 Branch Mispredict: 0.000 Machine Clears: 0.000 Unfilled Pipeline Slots (Stalls): Back-End Bound: 0.342 Memory Bound: 0.023 L1 Bound: 0.009 DTLB Overhead: 0.005 Loads Blocked by Store Forwarding: 0.001 Split Loads: 0.000 4K Aliasing: 0.012 L2 Bound: 0.000 L3 Bound: 0.002 Contested Accesses: 0.000 Data Sharing: 0.000 L3 Latency: 0.001 DRAM Bound: 0.011 LLC Miss: 0.006 Memory Bandwidth: 0.738 Memory Latency: 0.211 Store Bound: 0.001 False Sharing: 0.000 Split Stores: 0.000 DTLB Store Overhead: 0.008 Core Bound: 0.383 Divider: 0.000 Port Utilization: 0.383 Cycles of 0 Ports Utilized: 0.029 Cycles of 1 Port Utilized: 0.099 Cycles of 2 Ports Utilized: 0.276 Cycles of 3+ Ports Utilized: 0.599 Front-End Bound: 0.069 Front-End Latency: 0.037 ICache Misses: 0.024 ITLB Overhead: 0.003 Branch Resteers: 0.000 DSB Switches: 0.007 Length Changing Prefixes: 0.000 Front-End Bandwidth: 0.032 Front-End Bandwidth DSB: 0.012 Front-End Bandwidth MITE: 0.377 Front-End Bandwidth LSD: 0.000 Paused Time: 0s